Become a member

Members of MSA enjoy the following advantages:

  • Free copies of the journal Musicology Australia (published twice per year by Taylor & Francis);
  • Preferential rates at MSA conferences;
  • The right to vote and to participate in the activities of the organisation
  • May present papers at MSA annual conferences.
  • Members are eligible to apply for funds and prizes

Membership is open to all interested parties anywhere in the world. Payment can be made by Credit Card or PayPal.

Length of membership

Memberships expire at the end of each financial year. Memberships purchased or renewed towards the end of each financial year will last for the entire financial year that follows.

Membership types

Level Price  

Ordinary membership

$90.00. Select

Low Income/Precariously Employed

$50.00. Select

Student Membership

$50.00. Select

Emeritus/Retired Membership

$50.00. Select

Life Membership

$1,575.00. Select

Benefactor Membership

$210.00. Select

Please note:

  • The Low Income/Precariously Employed membership is offered to members in sessional or casual employment, or those who earn under $40,000 per year.
  • The Benefactor Membership rate includes one ordinary membership plus a deductible donation of $120 to subsidise three low income or student memberships.

Please contact the membership secretary with any queries concerning membership.

The subscription year for Musicology Australia runs from July to June and renewal notices are sent out in June. If you are joining part-way through a calendar year, your membership will count for the current year and you will receive all of the journals relating to that year.

Please note that institutional subscriptions are administered by Taylor & Francis, the publisher of Musicology Australia.
