Study Groups

A group of scholars with shared interests may form a Study Group by applying to the MSA National Committee. An application should include:

  • a statement of rationale
  • information about the group’s activities prior to making formal application (if applicable)
  • the names and positions of the primary organizers (e.g. Chair, Secretary etc.)
  • a list of active members

The rationale should demonstrate the feasibility of an ongoing study group for the topic. All primary organizers of study groups sponsored by our Society must be MSA members, and there should be at least five active participants who are members of the MSA. Participants in Study Groups should represent a broad range of career stages and institutions. Non-MSA members may belong to Study Groups.

Current Study Groups:

Indigenous Thinktank meeting taking place outdoors in Canberra
Indigenous Thinktank meeting, MSA Conference and Symposium on Indigenous Music and Dance, Canberra 2012.