Special Funding Scheme

In 2024, the MSA continues to offer its Special Funding Scheme for members to fund projects, events and activities that will benefit the music research community. There will be one round of funding offered this year.

Guidelines for Applicants


The Musicological Society of Australia (MSA) will consider funding applications from members for projects and activities that support musicology in Australia.

The primary purpose of the scheme is to support music research in Australia, particularly through opportunities that have broad appeal for or will benefit the research community broadly defined.

The scheme is in line with the MSA’s purpose to advance musicology.

The MSA special funding scheme

The MSA is offering special funding grants of up to $3,000 per application. Projects and activities eligible for funding include Study Group activities, conferences and symposia, guest speaker expenses, publication expenses, research travel expenses (for independent scholars), and any other event, activity or project that cultivates or promotes musicology in Australia.

Applications that demonstrate a breadth of impact or appeal to the wider musicological community and are accessible to the MSA’s membership will be given preference over those that assist a single person.

Funds may not be used for repeat events requiring recurring funding.

Student travel grants to attend MSA conferences are dealt with under a different scheme.

Applications should provide a clear budget for how requested funds will be spent.

While applicants may request up to $3,000 per application, final amounts awarded will be decided by the MSA Grants and Awards Committee.


Applications are open to all current financial members of the MSA, and applicants must maintain their MSA membership for the duration of the funded project or activity.

Applications relating to reimbursement for an activity or event that has already occurred by the time of the application will not be considered.

MSA Chapters may apply to the scheme for additional funding above and beyond their annual chapter grants.

Members of the MSA executive, National Committee or Awards Committee may apply for funding if they recuse themselves from the selection or endorsement of that application.

Payment schedule

Special funding will be paid directly to the applicant by bank transfer within two weeks of their accepting the grant. Any unused funds should be returned to the MSA at the completion of the project or activity, or at the end of the year.

Application process

One round of funding will be offered for 2024, closing 31 May 2024. Outcomes will be communicated within four weeks of the application deadline.

All requests for funding are to be submitted via the Google Form.

Applications should contain:

  • An abstract of the project or activity requiring funding including details of location and a timeline of key events (up to 400 words);
  • Name and affiliation (if applicable) and a short professional bio for each named applicant (up to 100 words per applicant);
  • a brief summary of how the proposed project or activity promotes musicology in Australia or will otherwise benefit the musicological community (up to 150 words)
  • a clear budget detailing how funds will be used

Assessment criteria

All applications will be considered by the MSA grants committee in relation to the purposes of the MSA. The overall merit of the applications will be judged using the following criteria:

  • Does the proposal show broad alignment with the MSA’s purposes?
  • Does the proposal demonstrate a breadth of impact or appeal, or will it benefit the wider musicological community?
  • Is the proposed project budget appropriate to the claimed outcomes?

Conditions of grant

The decision of the MSA Grants Committee is final.

Grant offers must be accepted in writing by return email.

Successful applicants must provide appropriate acknowledgement of the MSA when communicating outcomes.

If the funding is for an event, the MSA’s logo must be displayed on any event materials, and the MSA’s assistance acknowledged during the event.

Successful applicants must provide a report to the MSA Secretary using a template to be provided for tabling at the MSA Annual General Meeting for the following year. This report should provide a summary of the project and its outcomes, and be accompanied by receipts.

On occasion, some recipients may be invited to participate in an episode of the MSA podcast, subject to negotiation with the National Committee.

CONTACT: Please email the MSA Membership Secretary Sarah Kirby at kirby.c -at- unimelb.edu.au if you have any queries about your application.
