47th National Conference of the
Musicological Society of Australia (MSA)
incorporating the 23rd NRPIPA Symposium on Indigenous Music and Dance
Online, Thursday 28-Saturday 30 November 2024 (AEDT)

NB: The 47th National Conference of the MSA took place online 28-30 November 2024. This page is no longer being updated but will be retained for archiving purposes.
CONFERENCE PROGRAM (click to download) updated 18 November 2024
In 2024, the National Conference of the Musicological Society of Australia will be held online 28–30 November. The Society has resolved to hold alternate conferences online, in order to facilitate accessibility and be mindful of our environmental impact.
Emily Dolan (Department Chair & Professor, Department of Music, Brown University): “The Time Horizons of Musical Technologies”
Tami Gadir (Lecturer, Music Industry, School of Media and Communication, RMIT): “Singing Solidarity and Struggle in the Sydney and Victorian Trade Union Choirs”
Click here for full abstracts and biographies
2024 MSA Student Delegate Conference Prize
The call is now open for submissions in the 2024 Student Prize for the best postgraduate papers submitted at the 2024 Conference. Submissions should follow the guidelines available here [https://msa.org.au/members-area/student-delegate-conference-prize/] and be emailed to MSA Awards Co-Chair Dr Sarah Kirby ([email protected]) by 5pm AEDT Tuesday, 18 November 2024.
Up to three cash prizes and a number of Special Mentions may be awarded to recognise excellence in the research endeavour as demonstrated by Student Members presenting at the National Conference. The prize/s recognise original contributions to musicological research, and successful submissions and their presentation will exhibit academic merit of a standard that distinguishes them from the submissions of other applicants.
The MSA is committed to ensuring equality of access to all attendees. If you have any access requirements or questions, please contact the MSA’s Access and Equity Officer, Alex Hedt, by email: [email protected]
The MSA is a not for profit organisation and is entered on the Register of Cultural Organisations; you may wish to consider making a donation to the MSA via https://msa.org.au/donate/
Organisers and Committees
- Host: MSA National Executive
- Conference Convenor: Liz Kertesz
- Conference Organiser: Elly Langford
- Conference Steering Committee: Sarah Collins, Liz Kertesz, Sarah Kirby, Elly Langford,
Erin Matthews, Kathryn Roberts Parker - Program Committee: Liz Kertesz (chair), Kate Barney, Anna Henwood, Alan Maddox,
Cecilia Sun, Nick Tochka - Conference email: [email protected]