46th National Conference of the Musicological Society of Australia 2023

Open Borders: The Future of Music Research

29th November – 2nd December 2023, Elder Conservatorium, The University of Adelaide

The Musicological Society of Australia (MSA) is committed to advancing academic and public understanding and appreciation of music, an activity and resource that is fundamental to the wellbeing of individuals and communities and reaches into all areas of life. Accordingly, for the 2023 National Conference, musicians of all kinds are invited to reflect on their musical practice, and researchers from all fields of study invited to share their research into any aspect of music. We encourage contributions from musicologists, composers, performers, music theorists, music broadcasters, music critics and anyone else with an informed interest in the creation, practice, theory, reception, and appreciation of music. We also encourage presentation of music-related research in other fields including education, sociology, literature, history, art, film, games, psychology, medicine, Indigenous studies, anthropology, and religion.

Keynote Speakers

The Organising Committee is proud to announce that our keynote speakers for this year’s conference will be the following:

Ass. Prof. Gavin S. K. Lee

Prof. Marcia Langton AO in conversation with Prof. Aaron Corn

Prof Emeritus Linda Barwick

Full details can be found here

Registration Details

Registrations are now open for the 46th MSA conference in Adelaide, 29th November to 2nd December.

Rates are as follows:

This year’s conference dinner will be held at Madam Hanoi, where attendees will be able to enjoy a Vietnamese Fusion banquet. The conference dinner is $75 per person and must be paid in advance. This includes a 3-course banquet and one beverage. Registration below is essential.


Program outline:

Wednesday 29 November: 9.00am to 6.00pm, including keynote, panel sessions, book launch, and reception.

Thursday 30 November: 9.00am to 6.30, including keynote, panel sessions, lunchtime performances, early evening concert

Friday 1 December: 9.00am to 9.00pm, including keynote, panel sessions, lunchtime performances, early evening concert and conference dinner

Saturday 2 December: 9.00am to 3.30pm: including AGM, panel sessions and special afternoon concert.

The final version of the 46th National Conference Program can be downloaded here

Accommodation Options

Several ‘best rate of the day’ minus a substantial discount have been negotiated with the following accommodation options to suit all budgets. Please click on the appropriate link to take you to the property’s website to book.

Stamford Plaza

Ibis Adelaide, 122 Grenfell Street


Free admission with conference registration – guests and general public welcome for a small charge (bookings through TryBooking)

Early evening concerts – presented in partnership with Recitals Australia and the Elder Conservatorium and featuring Recitals Australia fellowship students.

Thursday 30 November, 5.45pm to 6.45pm – Hartley Concert Room, Adelaide University – information and bookings https://www.trybooking.com/CMKOM

Friday 1 December, 5.45 to 6.30pm – Hartley Concert Room, Adelaide University – information and bookings https://www.trybooking.com/CMKOP

Special Closing Concert – presented in partnership with Recitals Australia and the Elder Conservatorium and featuring Conservatorium director Anna Goldsworthy with Helen Ayres and Thomas Marlin.

Saturday 2 December, 2.00 to 3.30pm – Elder Hall, University of Adelaide – information and bookingshttps://www.trybooking.com/CMKOZ

Lunch break concerts – conference participants will present short recitals related to their research during the lunch breaks on Thursday and Friday.

Technical Documents
PowerPoint slides or other A/V presentations may be on your USB drive (to plug into the conference room desktop computer and A/V system) or may be on your own laptop device. If you plan to present from your own laptop, it is essential that you bring a cable which terminates in a standard male HDMI plug, to connect your device to the presentation room AV system. If needed, Officeworks has a good assortment of adaptors. It is highly recommended you bring an additional copy of your presentation on a USB drive, even if you plan to present from your laptop.

If at all possible, use video or audio clips which have been saved to your USB or laptop. It is not a good idea to rely on YouTube or other online sources during your presentation due to the need to ensure that limited presentation time is not taken up by online ads and because of the risk of server problems at the time of your presentation. You will have the opportunity prior to your talk to check that your media presentation works . Please talk with one of the volunteers prior to the first session of the day, or during morning/afternoon teas or lunch for more information.

The MSA is committed to ensuring equality of access to all attendees. If you have any access requirements or questions, please contact the MSA’s Access and Equity Officer, Anthea Skinner, by email: anthea.skinner@unimelb.edu.au or the Conference Organiser, Erin Matthews, also by email: msaconference2023adelaide@gmail.com

Travel Grants and Financial Support

Requests for financial support to present at the conference will be considered by the National Committee of the MSA on a case-by-case basis. Requests for financial support from speakers living in remote regions of Australia who require funding support for travel to Adelaide will be given special consideration. Contact the Awards Committee Chair John Phillips (msaconference2023adelaide@gmail.com) for further information.

Student Prize

The call is now open for submissions for the 2023 MSA Student Prize. Submissions should follow the guidelines available here and be emailed to Acting MSA Awards Committee Chair John Phillips (at msaconference2023adelaide@gmail.com) by 5pm AEDT Wednesday 22 November 2023


The MSA is a not-for-profit organisation and is entered onto the Register of Cultural Organisations; you may wish to consider making a donation to the MSA via https://msa.org.au/donate/

Organisers & Committees

Host: Elder Conservatorium and The University of Adelaide in conjunction with the South Australian Chapter of the MSA
Conference Convenor: Jennie Shaw (email: msaconference2023adelaide@gmail.com)
Conference Organiser: Erin Matthews
Conference Organising Committee: Gillian Dooley (chair), Erin Matthews, Steven Knopoff, Tsan-Huang Tsai, Helen Rusak
Program Committee: Jula Szuster (chair), Gillian Dooley, Tsan-Huang Tsai

Annual General Meeting

The 2023 AGM of the MSA will take place at 9am Australian Central Daylight Time (Adelaide), Saturday 2 December, 2023. Download the Agenda here

Document Archive

Call for Papers 2023 **Now Closed**
