45th National Conference of the Musicological Society of Australia 2022

1-3 December 2022, Online

45th Annual Conference of the Musicological Society if Australia incorporating the Inaugural ICTM Symposium on
Indigenous Music and Dance and 21st NRPIPA
Symposium on Indigenous Music and Dance.
1-3 December 2022
Hosted by the National Executive of the Musicological Society of Australia.

[NB: The 45th National Conference of the MSA took place on 1-3 December 2022 online. This page is no longer being updated but will be retained for archiving purposes.]

Program & Technical Information

Conference Program & Schedule (click to download)
Conference Schedule (Updated 15 Dec 2022)
MSA Conference Program (Updated 15 Dec 2022)
ICTM-IKI Joint Symposium Schedule

Technical Documents (click to download):
Information for Presenters
Information for Session Chairs

The MSA is committed to ensuring equality of access to all attendees. If you have any access requirements or questions, please contact the MSA’s Access and Equity Officer, Anthea Skinner, by email: [email protected].

In recognition of the International Day of People with Disabilities (3 December 2022), we’re pleased to dedicate a two-day conference stream on Music, Disability, Health and Wellbeing, which will bring together speakers from the conference of the Musicological Society of Australia (MSA) and the Symposium of the ICTM Study Group for Indigenous Music and Dance on Friday and Saturday 2–3 December. All papers in this stream will also be captioned and Auslan (Australian sign language) interpreted, to ensure access for D/deaf and Hard of Hearing speakers and audience members.

Please note: The 2022 Indigenous Knowledge Institute Intersections Symposium taking place on Wednesday 30 November has a separate Zoom link. To register, please visit  https://indigenousknowledge.unimelb.edu.au/events/iki-intersections-symposium.

The conference will host a launch for Joseph Williams’ book, England’s Folk Revival and the Problem of Identity in Traditional Music (Routledge 2022). Details of the publication can be found here.

Keynote Speakers

Kate van Orden (Dwight P. Robinson Jr. Professor of Music, Harvard University; President of the International Musicological Society, 2022-2027)
“Songs in Unexpected Places: Language and Mobility”

Sarah Kirby (University of Melbourne; State Library of New South Wales)
“Inventing Percy Grainger on Page, Stage, and Screen”

[Click here for full abstracts and biographies]

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the MSA for 2022 will be held at 1:30pm AEDT on Saturday 3 December, on Zoom. The Agenda for the meeting is available below. Note that this may be periodically updated prior to the meeting; the current version is always the online version. Note also that the AGM has its own Zoom link (provided in the Agenda below), separate from the conference Zoom link, so the Secretary can record the meeting and save the chat comments to aid minute-taking. To join the AGM, just click the link in the Agenda.

Travel Grants and Financial Support

As the conference will be held online this year, no travel grants will be offered. However, requests for financial support to present at the conference will be considered by the National Committee of the MSA on a case-by-case basis. Requests for financial support from speakers living in remote regions of Australia who require funding support for travel to access internet and Zoom will be given special consideration. Contact the MSA Secretary Frederic Kiernan ([email protected]) for further information.

Student Prize

The call is now open for submissions for the 2022 MSA Student Prize. Submissions should follow the guidelines available here and be emailed to Acting MSA Awards Chair Dr Rachel Orzech (at [email protected]) by 5pm AEDT Wednesday 23 November 2022.


The MSA is a not for profit organisation and is entered on the Register of Cultural Organisations; you may wish to consider making a donation to the MSA via https://msa.org.au/donate/

Organisers & Committees

Host: MSA National Executive
Conference Convenor: Liz Kertesz (email: [email protected])
Conference Organiser: Andrew Callaghan
Conference Organising Committee: Michael Hooper, Liz Kertesz, Fred Kiernan, Andrew Callaghan
Program Committee: Liz Kertesz (chair), Helen English, John Gabriel, Michael Hooper, Fred Kiernan, Simon Perry, Carolyn Philpott, Jason Stoessel, Cecilia Sun, Tsan-Huang Tsai
Conference website: https://msa.org.au/conferences/45th-msa-conference-melbourne-2022/

Document Archive

Call for Papers 2022 **Now Closed**

IMAGE CREDIT: Detail from Percy Grainger, ‘Blind Eye Score (Hill-Song II)’. Grainger Museum collection, University of Melbourne. Reproduced by courtesy of the Estate of George Percy Grainger and the Grainge
